My Weight Loss Progress

Monday, April 12, 2010

It all starts here...

I have had a few life altering events happen in the past 3 years. Things have been picked up, shifted around and thrown completely all over the place. There has been relocations, relationship break downs, financial worries and a general lack of direction just to name a few.

But I havent let it beat me. Its only now that I feel a positive change is on the way, so im going to go with it, and get the most out of whatever life brings! And hopefully this blog will help me along the way to figure out exactly what I want to be doing, and where I want to be.

My mum very nicely reminded me the other day im approaching the 25 year old mark. Age has never bothered me before, however now I keep thinking back to when I was 16 - and how I couldnt wait until I turned 18 so I could take off around the world, and have all those experiences that everyone else would talk about. 18 came and went... 20 came and went... and now time is going faster than ever and I havent achieved anything I ever dreamed of.

Dont get me wrong, I still have had acheivements and things in life I am very greatful for. However I wanted to much more from life. I was never the type to enjoy a 9 to 5 routine, I always wanted something different for myself. I could picture myself working for a travel company, or being a reporter that went to exotic locations, or being a photographer that was able to bring my world across to other people.

So here I start again. Exploring ideas of exactly what it is I want, and how to get it... and I look forward to you helping me along the way :)

Kayla xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayla,
    I have a daughter almost your age. She has plans to travel the world and own her own restaurant. But...she can't even afford to move out because she is not committed to it bad enough. I am starting to think I just gave her too much in life...maybe I should have made her work harder so that she appreciated things more.
    I don't know why you think you can't do those things you are dreaming about. It just takes some hard work and committment. You can do it can. Let yourself believe that you can and you will achieve anything.

    Go forward...NEW LIFE!!!

    OK..looking forward to sharing your journey's

