My Weight Loss Progress

Monday, April 19, 2010

My names Kayla... and im addicted to Food.

Things have been progressing really well over the past 2 days. Still sticking to my points and fitting in as much exercise as I can around my work (putting in crazy hours at the moment.) But today I hit my first hurdle. I wouldnt really call it a hurdle actually - more of a hike... up temptation mountain!!!

I usually cook meals once a week and have them in containers ready for the week. Well today I was in such a rush to get to work I forgot my dinner. Now for most people this wouldnt be too much of an issue. However I work at McDonalds!!! I was doing a 12 hour shift so i knew it wouldnt be long before I got hungry.

Tricky part is I am the manager of the McCafe. And as a manager we get free food and drinks whenever we want. Most managers love this fact, not me!!! Its hard enough to say no when I have to pay for it, let alone when its thrown in my face and shoved down my throat!!! (OK maybe not to that extent).

So about 4 hours in first tummy rumble comes. Time for some coffee!! 5 hours in, decide to make a seared chicken salad for my dinner with green tea and a fruit bag... Keeps me going for a bit. But then for the last 3 hours every time I would get a muffin out for a customer I would consider taking a small bite out of it before passing it on... I was toasting Banana bread and it smelt so good I was tempted to accidentally break it so I HAD to have it... After blending a frappe I wanted to lick the blender clean!!! Im never like that, but tonight absolutely everything sounded so good...

Pleased to say I did not give in to temptation! (This blog was actually main reason, as I knew I would have to come on here and fess up if I did give in...)

So still going great guns. Got my food packed and ready for tomorrow, and onwards and upwards from here!!

(Buttons on my size 16 work shirt do up comfortably!! Still a little snug but ALMOST there!!)

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