My Weight Loss Progress

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My turn to feel blah...

Well the positive vibes couldnt possibly have kept up for 2 whole weeks straight without me having one shitty day in there...

Today is just not going well for me. My car didnt pass its roadworthy, gonna cost me another 400 dollars tomorrow to get it passed... I had a job interview but after speaking to the company dont know if thats the direction I want to go in after all... Im sick as a dog, so didnt zumba... and I tried to bake healthy ww muffins today and they came out absolutely foul!! (Should have known something suspicious was up when I was putting yoghurt in the mixture!!) Ended up 3 points over today, and now im lying in bed with a blocked nose, feeling fat and not looking forward to going back to work tomorrrow...

Haha, but the thing is, I knew if I came on here and let it all out I would feel much better and then be able to get a good nights sleep, feel better tomorrow and the sun will be shining and the birds will be singing and I will be back to my chirpy happy self :)
(Working so far)

I also think ive made a positive move in blogging on here about my bad day, rather than giving up cos it all seems too hard like my past patterns have been.

Much happier now. Off to get the vicks vapour rub, and smother myself in it to the point where my body will have no choice but to get better :)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry it all feels bad today. But... 3 points over is no problem at all. Just go 3 points under tomorrow. I have better weight loss if I have some higher point days and some lower point days.
    Rub that Vicks on your chest and sleep well!
